Sunday, February 1, 2015

February Lately...

It's February! I love February!! I love Valentines day, and the fact that it's a short month, which means Spring is around the corner!!!! Here is my February Lately....
Listening: Currently catching up on the latest episode of Fixer-Upper.. I love this show. Their style is my style and I can't get enough of it. I'm always doing DIY projects around my house.. Currently my husband and I are house hunting, so this show has really been inspiring me to look at each house with an open mind. We are first time home-buyers so this is really exciting for us!
Loving: If you check out my past couple of post you will see that I have been raving about Deanna Jump's new Guiding Readers Units. It's exactly what I've been craving for my Shared Reading time... Check it out!!
Thinking: I'm ready for some time to really focus on my TPT products. I have some ideas up my sleeve and I'm ready to put it to work!
Wanting: I am wanting to get my hair done sometime soon. I've been trying to grow it out and also have been doing the ombre thing lately! Need to freshen it up!

Needing: to get my nails done.. My new years resolution was to start getting my nails done regularly and to quit biting them! So far so good! I've been doing the shellac so it's about time to get them redone!

Pageant title: Miss Over-the-Top... I might be obsessed with my job and I feel like I've gone all out. I'm already planning ideas for Kindergarten graduation... Need to slow down!!!!

Happy February!
This month's sponsor is Teach Two Reach


  1. Hi! I found you through Currently and I am your newest follower! I am listening to Chip and Joanna as well! I watch way too much HGTV!
    Teacher Gone Digital

  2. My husband and I first-time buyers that are house hunting, too! I will have to check out that show. :)

    I love your classroom and the pet theme! It's obvious that you care a lot about what you do!

    - Abbey from Tremendous First Grade Tales
