Friday, March 13, 2015

High Five for Friday {Weekly Linky}

Spring Break is officially in session. I am so happy for a nice break... more than anything to enjoy some sunshine. The glum days of Winter are behind us and this Okie is ready for sunny days. :) However, today has been very rainy, but to me that is just great weather for coffee, blogging, and TPT, and oh yeah Jack Johnson Pandora. I'm not going anywhere for Spring Break but will be closing on our new home! Ahhh can't wait!!! Cannot wait to post of pics of the house and get in there and decorate. This week has been a little hectic but fun! We've been finishing report cards and having fun with our Goldilocks unit. We also finished up Read Across America. I also recently became a premium seller on TPT. This has been something I have been making my goal. I told myself that when I reached a certain amount of sells I would upgrade to be premium. I have so many goals with TPT and can't wait to really do more great things! I really enjoy it. Happy Spring Break! Enjoy your weekend! (Also, I would appreciate prayers for my family right now, I know the power of prayer and am asking for your thoughts and prayers at this time as my wonderful father-in-law, whom I love so much is going to battle melanoma. He's a very loving and strong man and I have no doubt he will kick this real quick!!)
                 Be blessed!

1.) Let's begin with some Seusstastic fun celebrating Read Across America. Unfortunately we had to cut out some activities due to 2 snow days that interrupted our Seuss fun.
 Here we played Hopscotch on Pop. The kids had to roll the die and whatever number it landed on meant they had to read the word on that number square and say a word that rhymed with it. It was so much fun.

This craft was so easy and fun! We love Thing 1 and Thing 2!!!

Our awesome superintendent reading to my kiddos.

We made these precious birthday Cat's to celebrate the Doc's birthday!

2) We also had fun with our Goldilocks unit. I created this unit to supplement my reading curriculum. We had so much with it! We ate porridge, dressed up like the three bears and Goldilocks, and made our very own Goldilocks setting.

We made our own setting out o brown paper sacks and construction paper. The kids loved this! I love how they all turned out!

We compared characters!


We also ate porridge! We even graphed about it.. I included a fun porridge recipe in my Goldilocks bundle! The kids loved taking their own recipe card home too. It was really yummy!!
We had fun with becoming the characters!!!
3.) This just made me giggle when I saw this little princess meme on facebook last night. I had to share.. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I wear a tiara during Guided Reading (small groups). I wear it because it means you cannot come and talk to me while I'm working with small groups. This week has been so exciting for them, they jus knew it was Goldilocks week and that Spring Break was getting close so you can imagine how crazy it can get... One of my babies was so excited to go on vacation he literally was doing cartwheels around my room. The crown came on a lot this week as I quickly tried to get report cards finished and sent home. So here's a high five to all the queen teacher's out there!

4.) It's Spring Break, which means I'm going to take some time to work on TPT! I can't wait! It also means I get go junking and shopping for my new house!!! So excited! I'm even more thrilled about this precious little doorknocker I ordeedr from Anthropologie and these adorbs house numbers from Etsy.. I aslo painted my new front door this pretty color. So happy!

5) Lastly, again prayers are very much appreciated. I love my family and love that big sweet man in the middle! He's such a great guy and I'm so blessed to have him as a father-in-law. Please say a prayer for him. Thanks so much!
" I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Phil 4:13

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites: Strategies 1 and 2

I started reading Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites earlier this week. It was a great refresher from some important and effective strategies I learned in school. Though I feel like I do a good job incorporating these strategies, it's great to come up with new ideas and see what other teachers are doing as well.
Our morning mingle is a time when we get together in the morning for calendar time, Chit-Chat, Daily Fix-it, etc. I use my Smart Board and the kiddos have their clipboards as well. Most of my teaching is done with our clipboards. It's more of a group feeling, and easier to have discussions that way. I use the Think-Pair-Share a lot. I use it during Morning Mingle, mostly when we Chit-Chat.

 My kids also have a math partner (changes every day) for Math Workshop. They work independently and do partner work every day.
All of my writing activities include drawing. I also let my early finishes "free draw" sometimes when they finish early. It keeps them busy while I'm helping others finish up, and they're using their own imagination to draw instead of it being prompted.
This is a craftivity from Christmas. The writing promt was: If you give a reindeer a rootbeer.
This book is really great!!! This is going to be an awesome study!