Friday, April 24, 2015

Five For Friday {Weekly Linky}
TGIF! I have enjoyed my Friday evening shopping for a BBQ grill with my hubby. I wanted to take it easy tonight because I have a busy weekend ahead of me! It's been a chaotic but very fun week in Kindergarten! Chaotic because we only have three weeks left of school! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by! Here's the five for my Friday.. Happy Weekend everyone!

1} We started our Farm unit this week made by Deanna Jump. This week we focused on pigs. We loved learning about all kinds of fun piggy facts. Here's a few pics of our Pigs schema chart and our piggy drawings. At the end of each day we gathered around the chart and posted new facts we learned! It was such a fun and meaningful way to keep up with what we've learned and to revisit it at the end of each day.

I have to brag about our writing today. I gave my students the option of working independently or in a small group with me on their writing. I had about 50/50 working with me and who worked on their own. Here's a couple of  students who wrote independently and didn't ask me for any help on words. I'm sure you can tell what they were trying to say. I'm so proud of them. :) 
 (Translation: Pigs use mud as sunscreen. Pigs make this sound it is Oink. Pigs are clean. )
Translation: (I learned that daddy pigs are called boars and mama pigs are called sows. And they drink milk)

2} I include a Morning Mingle set in all of my Reading Street bundles on TPT. When I first introduced these in my 3rd unit we did them with our clipboards and on the Smart Board as a whole group activity. Now my Kinders do these independently when they first come in in the morning. Each set focuses on different sight words for that week, phonics skills, and a Daily Fix-it. I love it.

3} So, I actually thought I had just lost my power this week because my class's behavior was pretty rough this week. It was like a sudden burst of tattling, fighting, running in the room, shoving, just complete chaos to say the least. I went home and really sat and wondered what I could do to keep there behavior under control with these last few weeks of school left.
We made a chart on things  that make me sad and things that make me happy. I told them that it really makes me sad when I have to get on to them for their constant behavior choices. I also told them that it makes me so happy when I catch them making good choices. So we sat and the kids took turns giving me examples of behaviors that made me sad and happy. I liked doing this because they were having to recognize their behaviors and notice the difference between different choices they need to make through the day. At the end of the day today we sat in a circle and went around saying one choice we made that made me happy and one thing that we need to work on. It really helped the kids understand their choices and the effects it has on our day by reflecting about it.
We also made little cards with our names on them. I got this idea from Elizabeth from Kickin' it in Kindergarten and kind of put my own twist on it. I told my kiddos that if I caught them making good choices through the day that I would give them a star on their card. If they got up to four stars they got in the Treasure Chest. They really worked hard and loved making their own cards and keeping track of their stars.
4} Not much to say about this one but I opened up new boxes of crayons for each table. We just love new crayons. Especially to get us through the last few weeks! So pretty!
5} Lastly, this weekend I am running in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon race, to honor those who died, survived, and sacrificed so much during the tragic OKC bombing. I love my home state so much! My hubby got me some new running shorts for the big event. They are from Carrie Underwood's collection and are similar to my Lulu's. I love them!
A little throwback to OKC last year. I've got great running buddies!


Be Blessed!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Peek At My Week {FaRm FuN}

Hey y'all! I love Sundays! I love waking up, having a couple of cups of coffee, going to church, spending time with family, and prepping for another week in Kindergarten. It's the little things, y'all! I am so excited for this week, because this week we kick off our Mega Farm Unit, from Deanna Jump. This unit will probably take us a few weeks! I don't know if I'll get to cover all of the animals in the unit, but the ones I am for sure going to cover are pigs, chickens, cows, and ducks... Hopefully all of them though! This week we will be learning all about pigs and reading Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm. We love Mrs. Wishy-Washy! I created a guided reading lesson plan {freebie} for the week to go with the pigs! If you like it, I plan to add to it and make a Guided Reading farm bundle! Let me know! :) Here's what I have going on this week!

Here is a little peek at my piggy guided reading!
Just click on the image below to download this Freebie on TPT!

 Ok y'all, let me tell you about my Target experience today... It was cray cray to say the least. So let me tell you how I thought my day would go... I woke up at 7:00 THINKING "it's going to be a great morning, I'll grab Starbucks, get to Target at 8:00 a.m. and browse through the new Lilly Pulitzer launch. Ha---I was so wrong. I rolled into Target 5 minutes before they opened, only to see a line of women and girls waiting for the doors to slide open. I giggled and said "everyone here for Lilly?" I got blank stares, I was intimidated. I realized this is more serious, and my sunday browsin' is about to turn into a brawl. S o u  t h e r n women are serious about their Lilly, y'all. The moment the doors slid open I was left in the dust with my jaw to the floor, thinking, "did this really just happen?" I go in, quickly walk (I did not run, for the record) and see this lady literally grabbing every item of clothing and just stuffing it in her cart. Like 4 sizes in each dress. It was ridiculous... The rack was quickly left bare with one sad and lonely dress that wasn't my size, just hanging there. I was disappointed in the behavior of this lady. When I think of Lilly, I think of southern, classy women. I did not see that in Target this a.m. from a few gals.
Don't worry, y'all! Somehow, some way, someone graciously put an adorable jumper and cute tunic back on the rack and it was my size! I ended up scoring after all. No I did not get the dress that I had my eye on, but I really love the jumper and tunic! I also got a cutesy headband, flip flops, and hair-ties.


I hope everyone has a blessed week! Remember, you are doing great things and your students love you! This can be a stressful time of the year, just enjoy it! It's going by so fast!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Five for Friday {or Saturday}
Woohoo! So glad it's the weekend!! All week my kiddos have been doing their end of year achievement test and we are finished!! Now, onto greater things, LIKE Deanna Jump's new farm unit! My kids are going to LOVE this! Our year is quickly coming to an end. My kinders celebrate their last day of Kindergarten on May 11th! I have been working so hard on graduation stuff, the end-of-year slide show, and much more! And believe it or not I am constantly thinking about what I want to do next year! I'm trying really hard to enjoy the moment because this is my first group of Kinders, and I love them so so so much. I've already cried multiple times working on the slide show! I really really love my job... Anyway, Here is my Five for Friday (aka Saturday)! Enjoy your weekend!

1. Ok, like I said above, we are finished with our Achievement Tests, aka chievement tests, as some of my kiddos say.

2. Last night I ran in our local 5k Glow Run that supports our local Boys and Girls Club. I had so many students from my school that ran too. Here's a picture of me with one of my previous students. (BTW, I graduated December 2013, and got hired quickly after that to fill a 3rd grade teachers position for the remainder of the school year, so I have a little bit of 3rd grade under my belt) :)
3. Like I said, I've been working on K graduation stuff around the clock! I posted bundle of thematic diplomas onto TPT, as well as a diploma freebie! Check it out!!!
4. I got to spend time with one of my besties  earlier this week.. I actually became friends with her through my student teaching! I interned under her and learned so much! We've been buds ever since!!! She's such a great friend and Kindergarten teacher!
5. I've got something really exciting to share with y'all! I'm going to VEGAS this summer! I have been wanting to go to the I teach K conference and TPT conference for awhile and I finally booked and registered for my trip. I CAN'T wait to meet all of my favorite bloggers and TPTers!!! I'm beyond excited!!! Let me know I you are going!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Peek at my Week {Weekly Linky}


Well, I wish I could say that I have awesome and fun plans this week for my kiddos! I'd be lying. I do not have any pretty visual plans, because the first chunk of our days is TESTING!!! This week we start our achievement tests. (boo) This time of the year I would love to have this extra week for one of my spring units I'm wanting to do. BUT I will make this week as fun and exciting as possible...These tests will take us all week to do. Our morning will be full of filling in bubbles, and our afternoon full of review, and I'm sure an extra recess! Thank goodness for GoNoodle! I can't wait to use GoNoodle for bain breaks in between sections. I've been trying many ways of preparing my kids for the tests. We've been practicing filling in bubbles, which is hard enough! We've been reading simple sentences and working on comprehension! We've been doing lots of math review on the Smart Board and with shaving cream and much more...Recently I purchased my first Moffatt Girls products. Annie's Spring Math and Literacy bundle has been perfect test prep for my Kinders. I also purchased her No Prep journals and am obsessed! My kids love the April journal.. The journal prompts are perfect for them to work independently...It gives them just enough guidance that they need to write independently.I'll definitely be purchasing them for next year! Something else that I started last week are Math Facts. I'll hopefully have this product up for grabs soon! It's a great way to build math facts fluency to prep them for first grade! I hope everyone has a great week! And also if you have any tips for testing week such as review ideas or fun stuff to give them a break I am open to suggestion!! Thanks so much!

Here's a list of things I'm using this week, mostly for test prep! =)

Daily Fix-it {Capitalization and Punctuation}  Spring Math and Literacy Packet NO PREP (Kindergarten)

                                April NO PREP Journal Prompts for Beginning Writers