Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Baby Talk Tuesday

Since my husband and I are expecting our first child, I have baby on the brain 24/7. My husband I found out we are having a girl, Spencer Claire.  didn't think it was possible that I would pin as much baby stuff as I do teacher stuff! I think it is only fair to give myself a non-teachy day of the week to talk all things baby! I am so excited to be a mom! One of my favorite things to do is going treasure hunting at junk stores. I love finding something old and making it new again! So Spencer's nursery is going to be a very fun project for me to do! This weekend I stopped at a junk store with my parents. I stumbled across the super cute old rocking chair. It's sturdy, comfy, and totally my style. I couldn't wait to get it home and start redoing it. Here is a step by step of my fun weekend project...

Here is the chair.....

Here is what I used..
plaster paint
I used Plaster Paint, which is a chalk paint that is made in Oklahoma. However, you can use whatever chalk paint brand of your choice. 
I used:
Plaster Paint in Ivory Lace
Plaster Paint in Mintalicious
Plast Paint Dark Brown liquid wax
Plaster Paint clear wax paste
220 grit sand paper
600 grit sand paper

Ok, I kind of made a mistake when I first started. You have to mist your fabric with water and mix about a 50/50 solution of paint and water when painting fabric. I didn't do that on my first coat and just used the paint. So mine has a cracked look in some parts where the paint was too heavy. 

Also, initially I thought I wanted the fabric white. It was taking too many coats to cover the pink with white, so I switched to the mint, which I like better anyway. This fabric, by the way, is velvet. Velvet is the hardest to paint apparently, according to my research and now experience. If you have a different fabric if shouldn't take as much paint.  Don't be scared though, velvet is still doable. 

You want to paint with a 50/50 water and paint mix. The water helps the paint kind of soak into the fabric, instead of being thick and cracking on the surface. It will take a few coats. You want to let it completely dry for 24 hours before moving to the next step. 

After your fabric is dry you want to sand with the 220 grit and then the 600 grit to smooth it all out. Then you brush it down with clear wax and wipe of the excess wax with a clean cloth. (old t-shirt)

Below you can see where mine kind of has a cracked look where i didn't apply water first. It's not peeling off and you can't hardly notice it in person. Just be sure to use water!! 

painted fabric
I'm just in love with it! I used the Ivory lace on the wood and then used the brown glaze liquid wax to help it look distressed. 

It's like a brand new chair!!! 

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