Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Peek at my Week+When Thursday Linky

I am still trying to get into routine! I am on week two of school and boy is it busy. I'm first year k-teacher so I'm still taking note of what is working and what needs to go. Here is the schedule that I've been using that is working. Afternoon, after writer's workshop is where I get in a pickle... It's not quite enough time to effectively do centers... I am thinking of using this time to bring in a thematic/literature unit? Something fun and simple, like an apple unit, or Three Billy Goats Gruff... Something that is fun and can also tie in literacy. Any advice would be appreciated. :)

The first part of my day focuses on Calendar Time and I use Deanna Jump's Chit Chat series to build their phonics skills in a fun way.

For my shared reading we using Scott Foresman's Reading Street Series. You can find Kindergarten Reading Street bundles in my shop.

For my Math Workshop I use Deanna Jump and DeeDee Wills Guiding Kinders math units. They are amazing and work out great for the time I'm given for my math block.

For my writer's workshop I have started using Deanna Jump's Writing through the Year units. The kids love the freedom that comes with the writer's workshop approach. It really encourages risk taking.



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