Thursday, July 31, 2014
My first "Print and Go"
I really liked the idea of having a monthly "print and go" bundle for teachers to simply print with no prep to worry about. I created this very cute August Print and Go for math and literacy. This is perfect for independent work during Daily 5 or homework. Since I start school August 7 it is still summer in my book! I live in Oklahoma, and August is hot and still lake weather. So instead of the typical back-to-school theme of apples and what not, I went with the lightning bug theme. Kids love lightning bugs and it screams summer time! In this bundle you will find everything you need for Kinders for back-to-school. What you'll find are activities for numbers 0-5, basic shapes, same and different, and a-z letter recognition. Check it out on TPT!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
I thought I would share a little DIY for the classroom. I had this old child sized picnic table in my home center in my classroom. I thought I'd give it a little makeover to spruce it up a little. All it took was a spray can of chalkboard Paint and a spray can of blue paint. Here's the before and after. Very simple.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Monday Made It
I have really been searching for a cute alphabet. The supply stores just don't seem to have very many to choose from. So since the pennants are cute and in style right now, I decided to make one that was pennant style. You can find it in my TPT store.. I can't wait to hang it up!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Weekend Freebie
My mom teaches first grade and is decorating her classroom in birds this year. She needed a 100 chart so I made her one. It's very cute and is free in my TPT store. Stop by and grab the cuteness!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Five for Friday {Linky party...July 25}
It has been a whirlwind of a week for me. I'm really feeling like I need to kick it into high gear. School is less than 2 weeks away! I can't believe it really!
1. I finally got my curtains made with the help of my wonderful mom-in-law. She is very crafty. I think they look darling. So simple to do, just used strips of chevron fabric, tulle and burlap.
2. I'm very excited to get these in the mail. I've been wanting them for awhile and my hubs finally caved and got them. Our two year anniversary is next week! :)
3. These are now at Wal Mart. I love Great American Cookies...And their cookie dough is just as amazing as the actually baked cookie. Something I've always wondered about, ha!
4. Today I am sending out Kindergarten letters. I am sending a welcome letter, supply list, student information form, and a cute poem. The poem is the Jitter Glitter poem. If you haven't heard of it just go type it in on Pinterest and it'll pop up! It's really cute. It says "Do Not Open Until the Night Before Kindergarten". Inside is the poem and a little glitter for them to sprinkle under their pillow. It's really cute.
5. Today (and probably this weekend) I am working on my first print and go pack for math and literacy. I think it's going to be super cute. I am loving the fireflies. Perfect for August!
Have a great weekend, y'all! I'm hoping to stay by the pool and soak in as much of my summer break as I can. :)
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Slow down Summer...
Oh my goodness. I spent hours in my classroom this week and I am exhausted! I start school in exactly two weeks. TWO WEEKS! Where in the world did the time go??? I am excited to start school but am starting to get just a tad overwhelmed. My classroom is still not ready. It has been a process. It's a lot of work putting a new room together, especially being a first year teacher. A few things I accomplished are making my curtains, painting book shelves, decorated my bulletin boards, and organized my library. My next goal is to send out Kindergarten welcome letters, organize all the little miscellaneous items, and organize my guided reading shelf. I've got my work cut out for me!
Here's the curtains I've been working on.... So easy and so cute!
Here's the curtains I've been working on.... So easy and so cute!
I needed to make an alphabet for my room since it's so hard to find a cute one in D'Nealian. You can find it on my TPT store.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Teachers Be Shoppin' Linky Party
When I saw Kickin it in Kindergarten's linky for today I knew I had to link up. Being a first year kindergarten teacher I've had to invest a lot of my money into my classroom. I love buying things for my classroom and making it the best learning environment I can. I love my summers, don't get me wrong, but after putting so much time into my classroom this summer, I honestly can't wait for school to start. There are lots of goodies I've purchased so I might just post a couple each Monday since this linky party will be going on through August.
1. This was mostly for me because I am all about organization. This is the Teacher Anchor by C. Jayne Teach. Being a teacher herself, she designed this gem with the teacher in mind. It has everything you need for organizing lessons, student data, personal agenda, etc. all in one swanky location. I cannot wait to use it. It is worth the money! It also comes in red and blue.
photos from C. Jayne's website:
1. This was mostly for me because I am all about organization. This is the Teacher Anchor by C. Jayne Teach. Being a teacher herself, she designed this gem with the teacher in mind. It has everything you need for organizing lessons, student data, personal agenda, etc. all in one swanky location. I cannot wait to use it. It is worth the money! It also comes in red and blue.
photos from C. Jayne's website:
2. The TPT Queen, Deanna Jump, has me feeling so eager to get in the classroom and share her products with my kiddos. These two products are going to make learning so much fun. They are interactive, common core aligned, and just darn cute.
The first one is her Guiding Kinders Math Workshop bundle for Kindergarten. Guess what though? She now has it for First grade, so you firsties out there are in luck! Deanna collaborated with Dee Dee Willis to create the perfect math curriculum. I'm actually using it in place of the curriculum our school has.
The second product I'm super excited about is Deanna Jump's Chit Chat Morning Messages. It's great morning whole group work that focuses on letter recognition and phonemic awareness. It includes items to make anchor charts that match worksheets for the kiddos. What I plan do to do is give every child a clipboard with the Chit Chat message of the day on it, and gather on the large rug and Chit Chat together. I found clipboards for all of my kiddos at Dollar Tree.
3. My theme in my room this year is chevron and puppies. So I've been purchasing paw prints and puppies galore! A few things I've gotten are from Carson-Delossa. They have a very cute puppy theme this year that I know the kinders will love.
How cute are these pups???? So colorful and darling.
I also found these dog dishes at Dollar Tree that I am going to use to at the students' tables to hold crayons.
Keep on Shoppin' y'all!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Superhero theme!
I am really loving the superhero trend this year in the classroom. I think the kiddos will absolutely love it. If I hadn't already invested in my current theme (pictures coming soon) I would've probably done superheroes this year. I had so much fun making the mustache classroom décor bundle by request that I thought I would do another. I think this could work in a pre-k classroom-5th grade. There is so much you can do with this theme! Please check it out at my TPT store.

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Monday, July 14, 2014
O'fish'ally ready for school!
I created this little treat bag label last year for my kinders, and they absolutely loved it! You can find an updated version in my store for grades pre-k through 3rd!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
July Currently
This is my first time to do a link up! I'm a newbie blogger and TPTer. I'm really wanting to meet fellow bloggers and grow as a blogger myself. So here is my July "currently". :)
1 Listening: currently listening to Scooby Doo in the background. I get to spend all day with this little cutie! Her name is Emma and she is a hoot. Keeping herself entertained takes multitasking.
2 loving: currently loving my new Jack Rogers! If you want to invest in a pair of comfy sandals these are the ones! They come in every color and can be dressed up or down. These are my go-to shoes for school!
3 thinking: I am thinking about to-do's for back-to-school. I have a new classroom this year and I have a lot of work to get on top of! Painting bookshelves and making milk rate seats are on the top of my list. By the way I teach kindergarten this year! Kinders are my passion. I taught 3rd grade last year and loved it!
4 wanting: I am wanting a massage. My group that I run and workout with killed me today.. We ran hills. And I'm talking extreme hills! My booty hates me now but will thank me later.
5 needing: refer back to #2.. This girl needs a pedi. If you are a runner then no explanation necessary.
6 4th plans: my favorite place in the world is my inlaws lake home. Best view. We also take the boat out and watch fireworks on the lake
Happy 4th, y'all!
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